HR Tip of the Week

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Paid Time Off: Test Your Knowledge


More than three-quarters of workers in the private sector have paid vacation benefits, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Despite vacations and paid time off (PTO) being a common part of the American workplace, employers often have questions about these benefits. Below are several scenarios to test your knowledge of the rules and best practices. Choose the answer you think is right and then click to reveal the correct answer.

Question: What is PTO?

  1. Just a different way to say "vacation."
  2. Federal and/or state mandated Family and Medical Leave.
  3. Separate vacation, sick, and other types of leave benefits employers provide to their employees that must be used for those specific purposes.
  4. A benefit employers provide their employees in which they bundle vacation, personal, and other types of leave into a single bank that employees can use for any purpose.

Correct answer

Question: True or False: Some state and local laws require employers to provide paid vacations to employees?

  1. True
  2. False

Correct answer

Question: True or False: Employers should encourage employees to use their paid vacation time?

  1. True
  2. False

Correct answer

Question: Which of the following statements is true about unused vacation and paid time off?

  1. No state requires employers to carry over accrued, unused vacation/PTO to the following year and pay employees for unused time at separation.
  2. Every state requires employers to carry over accrued, unused vacation/PTO to the following year and pay employees for unused time at separation.
  3. Some states require employers to carry over accrued, unused vacation/PTO to the following year and pay employees for unused time at separation.

Correct answer

Question: What are the advantages of a PTO policy rather than having separate banks for vacation, sick, and other types of personal leave?

  1. A PTO policy automatically exempts an employer from complying with any paid sick leave requirements.
  2. A PTO policy automatically exempts an employer from any carryover requirements under state law.
  3. A PTO policy gives workers more flexibility to use their leave to fit their needs, and it can ease the administrative burden of tracking precisely how the leave was used.
  4. All of the above.

Correct answer

Question: What is a potential disadvantage of having a PTO policy rather than separate banks for vacation, sick, and other types of leave?

  1. If the employer is in a jurisdiction that requires paid sick leave and pay out of unused PTO at the time of separation, the employer could face additional costs since payout isn't typically required under most paid sick leave laws.
  2. The employer may lose out on certain tax credits for employers that offer paid sick leave.
  3. If the employee runs out of PTO during the year and the employer is in a jurisdiction that requires paid sick leave, the employer must offer additional paid sick leave.

Correct answer


When drafting, implementing, and enforcing your paid time off policies, make sure you carefully review all requirements applicable to your business and consider related best practices.

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