1. To start, plug in the device. Once it turns on, you’ll be asked to connect the ADP Kiosk to wifi.
2. Once the ADP Kiosk has an internet connection, it will automatically connect to ADP servers. This will update and download the latest kiosk software version.
3. After a short period, you will see a Welcome to ADP Time screen. Log in with the admin credentials you use for ADP RUN.
4. Name the device. We recommend something related to the location of the device. Then tap Submit.
5. You will see another brief setup screen.
6. You’ll then be asked if you want your employees to use a PIN to log in, or use their faces for Biometric Scan. Tap Next once you make a selection.
7. You’ll be prompted to go to the Employee Management screen.
8. Here you can see your employees and their enrollment status. If you are using PIN, you can view and give your employees their Badge number. This can be changed in RUN under the employee’s profile.
9. You can enroll employees right away by tapping ENROLL BIOMETRICS.
10. You will then tap on Enroll Face on the Biometric Data Option screen.
11. It’s important the employee taps the acknowledgement on the Biometric Consent screen for legal and compliance purposes. They will then be asked to put their face between a green circle and maybe move around to capture a good scan.
12. Once everyone is enrolled, or if you are not ready to enroll employees, tap the X, then select Done.
13. To get back to the Employee Enrollment screen, top the dots in the bottom right corner, then selecting the Supervisor icon.
14. Log in again with your admin credentials.
15. Then top on Employee Management.
16. From here you can see employee badges, enroll employees, and unenroll employees once the device is setup.