ADP InTouch

InTouch New

ADP InTouch is the clock that does it all. Integrated with ADP Time & Attendance with a multitude of features including badge and finger print punching, reviewing timecards and punches, meal breaks, schedules and so much more - the InTouch clock gives you the reliability you're looking for in your employees day to day activities.

View Interactive Demo


Attach to Wall

Attach the InTouch to the wall using the provided wall plate and instruction manual.


Complete Setup

Follow our setup guide below to complete the configuration and synchronize the InTouch with ADP Time & Attendance


Enroll Employees

Enroll your employee at the InTouch to have them clock in and out with a biometric scan or badge swipe

Guides and More...

ADP has partnered with Zappar to bring you everything you need on your phone to help with setup and more.

Zappar Augmented Reality App

After booting up, the clock displays a communications screen:

Set up the Timeclock following the sheet provided by ADP. The device ID and server password may change based on the provided documentation.

Swipe the Supervisor Badge

Tap on Enroll employee

Enter the employee's badge number

Select the finger you would like to enroll

Have the employee place the finger on the biometric reader

You will be presented with a confirmation

If the finger enrollment fails, retry. If it's good, you will be prompted to do a test:

Once the test is passed the employee is enrolled:

Yes, WiFi is a one time fee of $250 and is covered for breakages under the yearly maintenance agreement.

Step 1: Open the Timeclock

Step 2: Locate the screw mounts and the connector mount on the main board

Step 3: Position the Wi-Fi board so that the connector aligns with the connector mount, as shown in the following illustration. Snap
the Wi-Fi board into place, and then use the two screws and washers to mount it to the main board.

Step 4: Close the clock back up and turn on the power. Access wifi settings from the maintenance menu.

All official setup and configuration PDFs are available from this website:

Timeclock Manuals